You are currently viewing Fun Birthday Cakes at the Farm  part 2  Post 28

Fun Birthday Cakes at the Farm part 2 Post 28

  • Post category:Food / Party

Currently on the farm...

First day of spring has come and gone…but old man winter won’t let go of Northern Illinois!

Here’s our little goat barn, the goats tucked warm inside.

St. Paddy's day Fun...

Had a surprise for the grandkids, when they got home from school the other day.

Buying all green treats was like going on a scavengers hunt!

Using a simple oversized lunch bag, worked out great.

Back to the Past..., I finally got around to writing part two of the Birthday Cake Post…the link to Part One: 

Here are a few more of the cakes the grandkids requested over the years.

Horse Cakes....

When Lucy was about four, she fell in love with horses,

For many years her requested birthday cakes had some kind of a horse theme.

Her first cake had toy horses on the top…and that trend continued for many years…here’s the first and definitely last time I used fondant, lol.

The pony cake…that looked like a cow, lol!

Luckily, she likes cows too.

One year Lucy told me exactly what she wanted…

A cake with a horse corral, a fairy door, the horse company logo she liked, …and a trophy on top, lol!

My, my…I could barely make myself drum up that mixed up cake..but she loved it.

Oh comes February

Every February, I start planning the two birthday cakes I have to make…

One year, it just worked out that the family could only get together for one day.

So I thought, why not make  Drew and Lucy a cake together,

Drew loves to fish and Lucy loves animals…how hard could it be to find a common theme. 

Barnyard Fun...

So I made a barn from an old red file folder, using construction paper for the roof.

Online I found some cardboard animals…glued toothpicks to the back and stuck them in.

Using a wooden skewer and fishing line, I mocked up a fishing pole and glued it in the hands of one of Drew’s “guys” as they called them

Setting the “guy” on the top window of the barn.

His line reaching down to a creek below with a fish just about to bite.

The next year Lucy told me she didn’t like to share her birthday with Drew last year and wanted her own cake…even if it’s small.

So the shared cake idea went out the window, lol!

June Birthday...

Molly’s birthday is the end of June…it’s always so HOT!

One year her theme was “Ice Cream Cones” .

As a cake topper I used a pointed ice cream cone and filled it with a round ball of cake…right before the pictures the whole thing fell off, upside down on the cake, lol!


The first birthday party we had at the farm was Molly’s requested “Chicken Bauk Bauk Party”

Well, my chicken looked like it morphed from a duck…but Molly loved it anyway, lol!

Little chick cupcakes turned out pretty cute though…

Doll cake...

I’ve always wanted to make Lucy a “doll” cake…she used to love baby dolls.

But she always wanted animal cakes…I was so excited when Molly wanted a “Princess Party”

Finally my chance to make a doll cake.

There are doll cake toppers that you can buy that are made for this purpose…

but oh no…I wasn’t going to pay $13.00 for a half of a doll.

Molly had a million Barbie dolls. I would just wash one up…wrapped saran wrap around the legs …and stick it in.

Have you ever noticed the difference in size of a Barbie dolls hips and her waist?

What a joke right?

Well, you should try to stick those hips down in a cake!


I spent way over $13.00 in frosting…trying to cover up the bottom side of that dumb Barbie doll, lol!

I’m telling you, I got so TICKLED because when I was finally finished and I turned her around to take a good look…


“Pregnant Barbie goes to Prom”


I still can’t stop laughing thinking about how funny that was and still IS!

Timeline of Interests...

… it’s fun to look back at what the grandkids were interested in at the time…

Drew went through a baseball phase…

Downloading an image of the Cubs home field, was a fun one. 

I printed out the image and glued it on to cardboard, taped them together and stood them up behind the cake.

The following year he was collecting baseball cards and asked for a baseball card cake.

This cake, is in my “top two favorite” cakes catagory.

Using a baseball card as a template, I noticed the crowd in the background was a major part of the card.

So I just put down some white and tan swipes, adding pink and red swipes here and there.

Then I drew the basic sketch of a player on the field.

I used his last name and age, on the back of the uniform, for a personal touch.

I really had fun doing this one.

Hard work...

The boys love their computer games…at the time, Drew loved “Minecraft”

Of course, I never heard of it, lol!

After some research, I ordered some toy characters for the top of the cake.

Trying to replicate a video game is not easy…when you are trying to do it in 3-D, lol.

This was a hard one!


Over the years, I’ve had lots of fun making cakes for the grandkids…

I have many favorites but this one is my favorite, so far.

Molly was having a fairy party.

Finding cupcake topper, paper fairies, online was the beginning of my vision, a woodland fairy cake with a mushroom on top!

Sometime, I’ll have to do a post about the whole party…with woodland hats for the boys, flower crowns and wings for the girls.

Tiny glass vile necklaces with glitter…it was so fun.

More to come...

I didn’t post every single cake I made for the grandkids…tried to put the fun ones in.

Looking forward to spring and getting my garden in. Thank you for following along as I tell about our lives as “wanna be farmers”, lol! 

And all the fun stuff in-between

See you in a couple weeks!

Fondly, Sandy

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Lexi

    Always love reading these!

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Thanks Lexi!

  2. Lisa Brown

    So beautiful Sandy. A lot of work goes into those. I truly appreciate your labor of love.

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Thanks Lisa…cakes are here today, gone tomorrow, lol!
      It’s fun to see the kids take their first look❤️
      Fondly, Sandy

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Thank you so much!
      Fondly, Sandy

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