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Fun Birthday Cakes at the Farm … part 1 post 25

Winter Farming...

We are grateful for a mild winter this year!

It’s February 12th with a temperature  of 44 degrees!

My first seeds are planted under grow lights in the basement and we have big plans for the garden this year. 

This post will be about a past and present family tradition at the farm.

The Dreaded Cake Pops...

On Drew’s first birthday, I made the party favors…which were cake pops.

Those things about did me in!

So much work to decorate them!

 Big Bird looked angry…Cookie Monster looked scared, lol!

Never again, lol!

But somehow this started a tradition of me making the birthday cakes for the grandkids.

A Cake Tradition Beginnings...

Both of my daughters, Abbie and Emily, were pregnant at the same time.

They had my first grandchildren, three days apart!

Lucy and Drew’s birthdays are in February.

So during February each year, I have to mentally prepare for two hard days…of cake making, lol!

First Cake Attempt...

My daughter Emily told me about a cake she saw.

So I gave it a try…

Using white boxed cake mixes,  I divided the batter into separate bowls.

Each bowl of batter was dyed  a different color.

Using single cake pans I baked one color at at time, until all layers were baked.

After frosting  the top of each layer, I stacked them on top of each other and frosted the sides.

When the first coat was dry, I frosted it again.

While the second layer of frosting was still wet…I patted handfuls of sprinkles on the outside.

Even though this look hard it is one of the easier cakes I’ve made over the years.

Learning Curve...

Drew’s second birthday was a simple sheet cake with a “snow ramp” made by filling a bowl full of batter and baking it, lol!

Lucy’s 3rd birthday “Castle” looked like it would topple over any minute, lol!

I tried one of those 3-D cake pans one time for Drew’s birthday… he used to loved Teddy Bears.

THE Cake...

And that brings us to Lucy’s fourth birthday…

My mom had an old Wilton Cake Decorating book that the kids used to love to look at.

I still have that book and will never forget how Lucy described the cake she wanted for her 4th birthday.

Mamie…it has a girl and boy on top of a TALL cake…with like 10 layers.

And there’s water underneath that lights up.

She opened the book, and showed me the picture.


I thought to myself…somehow, someway, I’m going to make a wedding cake for a 4 year old.

….so the prince and princess were married, and lived happily ever after.

She was thrilled.

From Pokemon to Spiderman

So as the years have gone by, I have two more grandkids.

Each birthday, they choose their cake. 

The year they were 6, Lucy and Drew both wanted Pokemon cakes…

The year Aiden wanted Spiderman, I had to make two cakes because the Spiderman pan was too small.

Rock Climbing to Monster Trucks...

This monster truck track….well we will just say, the buttercream frosting was horrible hahahaha…I ran out of butter after using two pounds!

So I had to stretch it with milk, he didn’t care, lol!


I feel sorry for Aiden sometimes, he kind of gets the wrong end of the stick, lol!

His birthday is the end of December and by that time of the year I am exhausted!

Many times his cakes were not my best…

Many times if I was too tired…I would buy a toy and put it on top, lol!

But one birthday, Aiden was having his birthday at a bowling alley.

Abbie was expecting a lot of people there so I needed a big cake.

I wanted it to be really fun for him, so I made a four foot long race car track, lol!

I took the bottom shelf off of my sofa table and covered it with foil.

When we walked in that bowling alley, Aiden was over the moon.

Back at the Farm

Well, I finally got the hang of making the cakes, lol!

Join us next time for part two…I saved my favorites for last! (here is part two: 

p.s. be sure to subscribe below and I’ll send you an email with part 2 of “Fun Birthday Cakes at the Farm”

Fondly, Sandy

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Penny

    The wedding cake for Lucy cracked me up! I love how you make it happen regardless of what type of cake the kids ask for!

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Hahaha! I’m so glad I saved that cake book❤️
      Thanks Penny

  2. Lisa Brown

    these cakes are amazing Sandy.

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Thank you Lisa! I never know what they’re going to request next, lol.

  3. Sandi Hendricks

    What a FUN look down memory lane! You’ve gotten better & better over the years, & the kiddos will have such loving memories of their special B-Day cakes forever🥰🥰

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Thank so much Sandi! We’ll see how Lucy’s geo cake turns out, lol!

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