You are currently viewing Halloween party at the Farm!     part 2  Post 16

Halloween party at the Farm! part 2 Post 16

First Halloween Carnival at the Farm

Our bi-annual Halloween Carnival was scheduled for this year…which was 2019.

The “party” had grown from a small family gathering four years ago, to a huge event with over 60 people invited for food, games, and fun!

(This is supposed to be part 2 of the Halloween Party Post…I’m sorry to say, I got slightly off track and will resume in Post 3…lol)

If you would like to read Post one: party preparation and ideas,  please click link below:

Since moving to this nine-acre property just over a year ago, now we have a nice big pole barn to host the fall event.  

It could all be held outside, regardless of the weather!

So many possibilities, I couldn’t wait to get started with the plans.

hmmm    …Wouldn’t it be fun to have a hay ride?!

You never know what you'll find on fb marketplace...

I wondered if anyone would have a hay wagon we could borrow or rent?

So I thought I would go on fb marketplace ….just to see what was out there.

As I searched for haywagon…up comes an ad for “Used wagon, suitable for pulling behind a tractor or could be hooked up to horses.”

It was only 6 miles away!

I’m going to go look!

The Wagon Guy...

Pulling up to a large gravel lot, in front of two huge barns, I thought

…I’ve been by this farm a hundred times.

Right in front was a beautiful wagon.

It wasn’t a hay wagon, but actually, a wagon made for giving rides, (like a horse drawn wagon from the Christmas tree farm or the Apple orchard).

The metal frame was painted bright red, with wooden seats and long wooden boards on the sides to use as backrests.

The farmer came out to meet me.  

He could tell I had already fallen in love with that wagon.

Explaining all the bells and whistles…he quoted the price….$2,600.00.

Ugh…he could tell by my reaction; it was WAY to high.

He was quiet for a minute and then said “Are you up for a little scrubbing and painting?

I have an old one out back that might be perfect for you.”

The Wagon...

Walking around the barn, I saw a long, long wagon, somewhat similar to the beautiful one out front…but not, lol!

I was looking at a dirty, faded, wore out looking wagon with a flat tire.

It was filled with downspouts, drain tile, chicken wire and wooden rails.

The wagon guy said” This one is sound but needs a lot of love. I’ll fix the tire for you  …sell it to you for $600.00….FIRM.”

My mind went from borrowing or renting a hay wagon, to buying and fixing up a real riding wagon!

I had absolutely no intentions of spending that kind of money…but then something else came to mind.

The wagon was huge, over 21 feet long, next year I could grow some pumpkins and use it for a produce stand!

In my mind, I already had it paid for…in pumpkins, lol!

When I went home and told Ken the whole story, he was somewhat open to the idea, here we go again, trying to get a huge item to use at the farm.

… it went down better, when I told him he offered free delivery, lol!

Side Note...

Interesting facts about the guy who sold me the wagon, I just had to tell you about it.

I mean who has two huge riding hay wagons for sale, right?

I asked him what he used these for in the past.

He has a business using draft horses to pull wagons and trolleys for community events.

Isn’t that incredible? I shyly asked him if he had time to show me, he said sure.

The Tour...

On the side lot was an enormous pole barn, it was the biggest pole barn I had ever been in!

As he was explaining to me that small towns and big cities, hire his company for beer fests, carnivals, sporting events etc., I looked inside.

On one side of the barn there were 2- 40 person antique wooden trolleys, perfectly painted in tradition hunter green.

He would use his huge draft horses to pull them!

This is similar to the ones he had…but his were fully enclosed and all wooden!

Behind those were the old sleigh ride cars from Santa’s Village in Dundee, Illinois!

Does anyone live in the Chicago area and remember Santa’s village?!

Somewhere around here I have a picture with cousins and I, riding in the sleigh…in 1961!

Here’s an old picture I found online…isn’t it darling!

He had two of these sleighs in his pole barn!

Who knew?

On the other side were two, white pumpkin shaped, Cinderella carriages…these he rented out for weddings, princess parties etc.

I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw all these things.

Who would know this business was right down the street.

He also had pony rides (he’s the one at a local Pumpkin Patch in Caledonia, IL, in the fall) and animals for a traveling petting zoo.


The experience of that day will always be with me, plus we have a little part of it on our farm.


Our Halloween Carnival was in 2 ½ weeks…

The timeline for getting the wagon power washed, mended, and painted was tight.

The twenty foot boards were starting to warp where you step up onto the wagon and it would be a tripping hazard.

At Menards they had metal plates in different thicknesses, I bought a heavy duty one and our neighbor Donovan, bolted it down to straighten the warped boards and strengthen the step.

All the wood was sealed, and I painted the wheels and metal frame dark green. It looked so clean and fresh!

First Wagon Ride...

There were so many families that came to the farm, we had to give several rides to accommodate them all, lol!

The spooky Hayride was a success!

Storage Wars...

The first year we had the wagon, we stored it outside for the winter.

It held up well but…

The next year I said to my husband Ken “I wonder if that will fit in the dormer side of my red shed?

…so for kicks I measured it.

My backyard shed has a short dormer style addition on the side…

The wagon is around 21 ½  feet long…the barn is 21 ¾ feet long.

Seriously, we couldn’t believe it fit!

This carnival and hayride is exactly what I had in mind when we uprooted our lives to start a hobby farm!

Sharing it with our family and friends, making memories for our grandkids…and satisfying my crazy desire to have a “project to work on” while planning the next one, lol!

Please join us next time as I promise to finish up the “Halloween Carnival” Series…lol.

Along with putting the garden to bed for the winter…

Fondly, Sandy

p.s.   If you would like to be notified when my newest post is up, please “Subscribe” below.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jan Herbert

    Stopped to purchase pumpkins yesterday … took the website address. Imagine my surprise at finding “all this” just around the corner from our home! I have ridden my bicycle past you so many times without realizing. I applaud your efforts for your grandchildren. I grew up on a farm and cherish what I learned there. Keep on teaching!! Your grandchildren will likely become leaders in their futures!

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Thank you Jan!
      It’s been lots of hard work, but so satisfying.
      Thank you for buying pumpkins from our farm stand!
      We are shocked at the response and usually sell out in two weekends,lol!
      Maybe we’ll meet someday.
      Fondly, Sandy

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