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Helpful tips and tools for a Gardening Rookie Post 33

Gardening Rookie

Four years ago…at age 64, I planted my very first tomato plant. My dream of having a pretty vegetable and flower garden had to wait until I retired to come true, lol!

Now that we have 9 acres, the gardening possibilities are endless! What did I know about farming or gardening?  Not a dang thing, lol!

But that didn’t stop me…I could image it all in my minds eye, a little apple orchard, a big pumpkin patch, a pretty garden shed and vegetables and flowers galore!

Raised Beds...

We were informed by the locals, that our land was sandy and rocky…plus, it had never had crops of any kind, a kind of feral field.  The fields had been mowed a few times a year, but were still filled with thistles, wild blackberries, and twisted grapevines.

So we made the decision to build a few raised beds and add on as I learned more about gardening.

If you would like to read about how we tamed that crazy feral field. I talked about it in this post.

Wish List...

Our garden shed is so handy. Keeping tools, tomato cages, soaker hoses, fertilizer etc., just steps away.

But as I worked along, I wanted something to have by my side to carry pruners, my garden journal, seed packets, bottled water and such.

I have a nice big wheel barrel, the kind with the bicycle tires. Easy to push too, but my things fell over and dumped everywhere…very aggravating, lol! 

I need something that rolls over grass and bark chips, lightweight, with a flat surface and compartments….hahaha. 

The Solution...

After shopping at the big box garden centers, looking at gardening sites online and searching the internet, I found…nothing.

So I thought, I’ll just build something myself!  All I need is some kind of chassis with four wheels and I could figure out the top.

On the side of the barn, is all of our “we might use it someday” stuff, lol!

And what is sitting there as good as gold? The Solution!

A rusty old hose reel/cart, with four flat tires and a crank that doesn’t work….PERFECT!

After removing the wheel (which of course I saved for another possible project), I just needed a desk type top and to fill the tires with air.

Then we’ll be in business!

I hunted around in my garden shed for this black plastic tray our neighbor Donovan had given me….I used zip ties to attach it to the frame and hung a little watering can on the side to carry extras.

I’ve used this little cart so much! Do I need new tires…definitely! But for now I’ll make do!

Building a garden...

During the winter months, I studied basic gardening skills and by spring I was ready to expand.

I wanted to grow some green beans on a trellis or pole of some kind.

Gathering some long branches to use as poles, I assembled a tee pee type structure. 

I tried to grow some pole beans…but the bunnies ate them!

They don’t take that long to grow, so I thought I would try them in a different spot…on a trellis.


I had some extra fencing that I found on the side of the road, lol! I needed something to hold it up…so back to my favorite place to shop, Facebook Marketplace!

Once again, Ken and I drove to a farm outside of Rockford, IL the owner had just bought the property and was trying to clean it up.

Out behind his barn, he had piles and piles of old Century 21, sign holders! There were hundreds of them! A sign holder cemetery, hahahaha!

And he had the ground brackets too!

He was asking $5.00 a piece. We bought five sets!

Even though they are heavy to haul around, they are totally moveable. The “boot” brackets, have long spikes on the end that can be pounded in the ground, then the 4×4 post can stand upright.


Good Bones...

As I continue to “build” my garden using unique items, I’m starting to feel like it is a home away from home!

I was able to grow a few green beans that year after all.  Last year, I froze 20 lbs and sold 15 lbs…who would guess, lol.


Just keeping it real...

My spring garden chores are hard, hard, work. With open fields right next door, filled with millions of dandelions, thistle, bind weed and the dreaded, invasive “Horse-Nettle”. Oh it may look pretty…but it is covered with thorns that go through your gloves…even the root!

It has been very, very difficult to get rid of all the weeds.


Then if crazy invasive weeds aren’t enough to get you to throw in the towel…how about the birds, bunnies, chipmunks, squirrels and your owe backyard chickens!

I tried to grow sunflowers for two summers in a row and finally had success with this simple hack.

Take a regular water bottle and cut off the top and bottom. You can place it over a young seedling for protection from “critters”, lol!

I’ve had great results planting the seed into the water bottle also.

Garden dreams...

Even with all the “cons” of gardening…there are way, way more”PROS”!

I’ve had so much fun taking pictures of all the different seasons. There is always something beautiful.

It’s June 2nd and I still have to finish planting my spring garden. With two weeks of no rain and 90 degree  days…it’s been rough.

But I look forward to the mild days ahead, and planning a few summer events in the garden.

Thank you for your continued encouragement as we learn to garden, care for livestock, improve our farm, and make memories for our family and friends.

Fondly, Sandy

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jan

    The zinnias and 4 o’clocks I bought from you are doing great!
    (Apparently marigolds and I don’t get along).

    1. Sandy Brewer

      I’m so happy to hear that some of them are doing well! I still haven’t planted mine! They are probably so root bound, lol!
      Fondly, Sandy

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