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Sweet little goat barn comes to the farm! Post 31

Two birds with one stone...

The second summer that we lived at “the farm”, we found this darling little building (pictured below) on fb marketplace!

If you would like to read the story of my “beloved garden shed” this is the link:

But the post today is about our little goat barn…and here is how the two are connected.

By the way...

We found the garden shed at a farm, not that far from our own.

It was an unusual situation. The farm owner, Peter, (that we bought the garden shed from on fb marketplace) had sold a couple acres with a house and a few out buildings to a different family.

But behind the two acres that Peter sold, was more land that he still owned…so to get to his field, you had to drive through the new owners side yard.  Does that make sense?

Peter called the home owner and told him we were coming to look at the “garden shed”.

The home owner waved to us as we drove in…but as we were leaving, we stopped to chat with him.

He was proud of his place and showed us around.  Over in the corner of his lot was a small barn, the roof rafters were visible from the outside. You couldn’t see the foundation, because the weeds were up over the windows.

It was sided with horizontal barn boards that still had a faint hint of barn red paint.

Instantly, I fell in love with this little barn! But wait a minute…we had just bought another building, five minutes ago, lol!

Barn Boards...

My mind was spinning…I could already see this other little barn, sitting in our side yard!

It would be an adorable goat barn! Even though we don’t have goats…or know anything about raising them, lol!

Trying to stuff down my excitement…I casually asked the home owner, his plans for that little barn…”in the weeds”, lol’

I’ll never forget what he said…”Well, my wife has been wanting me to rip the siding off of it and sell it. You can get pretty good money for barn siding these days…”

My chance!  Well, tell her I might be interested in buying the whole building if the price is affordable.

So he took my name and phone number, saying he would talk to her about it.

Two weeks later he called me. Yes she would be willing to sell it…but would have to have at least $150.00.

I about jumped through the phone!

“Oh, that sounds pretty good”  I said…I’ll line up a delivery guy and call you in a few days.”

I hung up the phone and did a happy dance all across the kitchen floor!

Guess you have to know a guy...who knows a guy

Farmer, Peter, who we bought the garden shed from, is the one who gave us the name of a guy he knew, who delivered the garden shed to our farm.

So I called Peter, to find out more about the little barn…since he owned it years ago, and told him we purchased it.

He said, “Well the roof is gone…the windows too. There’s no floor, but it has good bones.

It’s sitting on 6 x 6 timber skids and could probably be pulled outta there.

So I asked Farmer Peter, if he would call his friend, and ask him if he would be interested in delivering a second building to our farm, lol!

And while I have you on the phone, Farmer Peter….would you know anyone who wants “5” Roosters?


Five Roosters too many...

Well the rooster story is in another post….here’s the link, if you’d like to read that one, lol!


Next time I talked to Farmer Peter, he said he would take the roosters off my hands…”Just send them with the guy that’s coming to deliver your barn and he can bring them to me.

Oh, country farmers…what a lifestyle

…what a blessing to know a country farmer

….no making an appointment for next month or next week.

“My friend will be right over with a huge building on the back of a trailer…no problem at all.”

“And I’ll help him…for no charge.” says Farmer Peter

“But he said to tell you that this building was kind of tricky…so he’d have to charge you an extra $25.00, so he’ll charge $125.00 and deliver the barn and bring me the roosters.”

She's home...

It was like Deja vu…down the private drive, came my darling little barn.

It was on the same huge flat bed trailer, pulled by a beat up pick up truck.

This is the first time I really got to see the whole thing. It had been in a low spot on the property, sitting in shoulder high weeds.

Oh my heart…I love that little barn so much.


From the back view, you could see several layers of missing tiles revealing the original wood shake shingles.

It had openings for windows on three sides, with a door on the front.

They’re were these beautiful wooden vents up by the peaks on both sides.

As the delivery guy and my husband were working together to get the barn off the trailer…I said “WAIT!” Don’t put it down yet. I want to be able to see it from my kitchen window.

So I ran, across the field, down the private drive, past the barn, past the red shed, through the gate and into the house, as fast as my 66 year old legs would carry me, lol!

It needed to be place about 10 feet to the south and I would be able to see most of it from the kitchen window…my favorite place to look out at the farm.


Pretty as a picture...

The little barn was already “pretty as a picture”, but would need some major renovating to bring her back to her former glory.

We did finish this little barn, you would never know it was the same building today.

It’s still as sweet as ever…

Join us next time for the little barn renovation with “before and after pictures”

Fondly Sandy

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Debbie Edmondson

    Look forward to seeing you sweet shed.

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Thanks Deb. I love that little barn! I appreciate your kind words
      Fondly, Sandy

  2. Dan

    Your article contains a lot of interesting information. We enjoyed reading it. Thank you for posting.

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Thanks so much for the kind and encouraging works Dan.
      Fondly, Sandy

  3. Donna

    Great stories, can’t wait for the reveal!

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Thanks Donna, Hopefully I’ll have it written in time for my next post in two weeks ☺️
      Fondly, Sandy

  4. Penny

    I want to know how Ken got it off the trailer. Did he use his tractor to pull or push it off? I love that you wanted to see it from your kitchen window! I totally get that!

    1. Sandy Brewer

      Hi Penny! The delivery guy had bolted a temporary 6×6 under the building. So it was sitting on three 6×6 skids.
      The outside skids had large bolt holes in each end.
      The guys put chains in the holes and attached them to the tractor bucket.
      They drug the barn off the trailer..down some ramps. When the barn twisted, it busted the temporary 6×6 in half! But that was the only damage.
      A couple large steel poles were layed in front of the building on the ground.
      Ken lifted the bucket of the tractor which lifted the chains and the building enough for the guys to roll the poles under the barn.

      Then Ken drove backwards…the building rolled over the poles and to its new home❤️
      Fondly, Sandy

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